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News お知らせ

KomaKids program aims to foster the disposition and capacity to understand and act on issues of global significance, so-called “Global Competence” in elementary school level education by connecting with other students in different countries through media creation method. Students will reflect back on their culture and produce media works to demonstrate a story to foreign friends from their point of view. Meanwhile, they will learn about the foreign country through their foreign peers’ works. Besides, we hope to develop students’ 21st-century skills of communication skill, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills through a production of media. 


Learn about foreign culture from quiz game and mini presentation



Reflect back on their culture and create works using digital tools to present the story

Share their impression 

through pen pal letter


Connect with peers in 

the foreign culture in real-time

About プロジェクトについて

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© 2021 by Global Education Project Graduate School of Media Design Keio University

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